OMAHA, (Neb.) — For 42 years Mark Donovan has collected top hats. He says appearance can make a huge difference in his customers' experiences at Magical Journeys Carriage Service.
Finding a calm horse that can handle doing this job twice a week isn't easy. Finding a driver is even harder.
Donovan says good drivers are great communicators.
"People that are good people persons," said Donovan.
Drivers also have to be tough.
"You can have people that say they want to work and all of this stuff and then they get one or two cold days and they change their mind," said Donovan.
Driving a carriage is like wearing a top hat. Not everyone can pull it off but for Donovan, it's a perfect fit.
"It's ingrained in my blood now. I am part of the Old Market Area, part of the community," said Donovan.