OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — A motorcyclist has pending DUI charges and a fractured hip after striking a Jeep near Ames Ave and Fontenelle Blvd Saturday afternoon.
Omaha Police officers responded to a personal injury crash at 3:52 p.m. Saturday, with investigation revealing a 2011 Harley Davidson was westbound on Ames Ave and approaching the Fontenelle Blvd intersection.
A 2002 Jeep Liberty traveling eastbound tried to go northbound onto Fontenelle Blvd when the Harley collided with the rear passenger side of the Jeep, Omaha Police say.
Witnesses state the Jeep failed to yield and the Harley had a solid green light.
The motorcyclist, 50-year-old Courtney Kidd, was transported by Omaha Fire to Nebraska Medicine with a fractured hip. DUI charges are pending for Kidd.
Stacey Hunnicutt, 18, has charges pending. Hunnicutt was uninjured.