

CRCC offers childcare for first responders, healthcare workers

and last updated

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — CRCC is offering doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters and police officers free childcare service.

With the two facilities open and empty, CRCC has various indoor and outdoor rooms and areas to accommodate kids. Each building can hold up to 70 kids as they abide by the 10-person limit in each room. The facilities have been professionally cleaned and sanitized.

Normally, CRCC is a facility that offers expert care for early childhood education kids that are medically fragile.

"It's a scary time for a lot of kids," said Anne Constantino, president and CEO of CRCC. "We have the resources here to help support all of those needs of any of the kids that we are serving. It is a true blessing for us to be able to provide this to the community."

They just asked that the kids being dropped off are healthy. They will be screened before they are allowed inside the building along with the teachers.

As this is a difficult time for kids, along with the teachers, CRCC has paras, behavioral health and recreational therapist on hand to help in every way to assist the kids.

To sign up, just visit their website