

Lincoln: Three new cases of COVID-19 for total of 12 to date

and last updated

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The city of Lincoln now has 12 cases of COVID-19 after three new cases were announced on Thursday.

Leirion Gaylor Baird's office provided the following information on the new cases:

  • Of the three new cases today, one is travel-related, one is a close contact of a person with COVID-19, and the third is still under investigation.
  • The travel-related case is a man in his 60s who returned from Spain on March 24. He followed the recommendations and self-quarantined at home. He developed symptoms on March 26 and has remained self-isolated.
  • The second is a woman in her 40s who is in the same household as a person who contracted the virus through travel. She also followed the recommendations and has been self-quarantined.
  • The third case is a man in his 60s, and still under investigation,

LLCHD is now monitoring 99 individuals. Lancaster County reports 495 negative tests and 12 positives with 14 cases pending at the Nebraska Public Health Lab. There are now 246 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nebraska and six deaths.

Those prioritized for testing remain healthcare workers; public safety personnel; residents and employees of nursing homes and group homes; those attending or working at daycares; and people over 60 or those with underlying health conditions. Those who have no symptoms do not need to contact your health provider to be tested. Do not go to urgent care, the emergency room, or a doctor’s office to get a COVID-19 test. Those test kits and medical personnel must be reserved for individuals in the prioritized categories.

LLCHD has established a hotline at 402-441-8006 for questions on COVID-19.