
Nebraska COVID vaccine registration website launches next week

DHHS COVID-19 vaccine distribution update
and last updated

LINCOLN, Neb. (KMTV) — Nebraska state and health officials have been putting plans in place for a successful transition over to group 1B vaccinations for months.

"At this point we're expecting that website to go live at the end of January," Lifespan Health Services Administrator Sara Morgan said during a Department of Health and Human Services live update.

Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Division of Public Health Dr. Gary Anthone and Morgan discussed the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines in Nebraska Thursday.

Phase 1B vaccinations will begin for most of Nebraska next week. So will the state's vaccine registration website.

"It will ask them questions to help place individuals in the right phases. Then, we'll notify you when your turn in line comes up," Morgan said.

Family and friends are encouraged to help older individuals with the process of registering online.

"We'll be working to get some non-internet-based ways to help people get signed up in the future. In addition to not only being familiar with the internet, connectivity can be an issue in some of our rural parts of the state," Morgan said.

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