OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — If you're wondering what your chances of contracting COVID-19 are in the very room you occupy, a site we found can give you the odds.
Based on positivity rates in your state and county and the number of people in the room, the site will give you the odds that someone in it might have COVID-19.
The site was built by a math and computer science teacher in Colorado.
According to the site, here are the odds of someone in the room having COVID-19 in Douglas County:
100 people in the room: 80.5%
50 people in the room: 56%
10 people in the room: 15%
And here are the numbers in Lancaster County:
100 people in the room: 69%
50 people in the room: 44.4%
10 people in the room: 11%

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