

College of Saint Mary announces workshops for elementary science teachers


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — College of Saint Mary (CSM) announced Monday that it is offering an opportunity for K-5 elementary science teachers.

CSM has the goal of improving teachers' science background, teaching skills and engagement of students through a series of workshops, according to a press release.

The workshops will include Physical Sciences I and Life Sciences or Physical Sciences II and Math.

The workshops will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. once a month on Saturday from October 2022 through April 2023.

The application deadline is Sept. 16 or until all seats are filled. There is also a $60 fee.

“We give them a lot more information than they would ever use in their K-5 classrooms, but it’s really, so they feel comfortable with the content,” said Dr. Amanda Roe, associate professor of biology who teaches the Life Sciences workshops. “At the conclusion of the workshops, teachers will feel more confident teaching science and answering questions from students.”

Participants receive a $250 stipend for classroom supplies. They will also receive two graduate-level education credits.

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