

In the classroom: the power of pre-kindergarten

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“Can you show me the number one,” asked Pre-K teacher Lorrin LaFleur.

Today’s lesson, practicing writing and reciting numbers.

“How about ten? Can you show me the number ten,” said LaFleur. 

For weeks these four and five-year-old students in Ralston's Blumfield Elementary’s Pre-kindergarten class have focused on numbers one to ten.  It’s the power of Pre-K at work. 

“I really see huge benefits to kids just getting into a classroom early,” said LaFleur. 

Lorrin Lafleur spends her days preparing students for future academic success.

“You know it really does help them in kindergarten even if it is just with the structure of the day and being able to walk through that,” said LaFleur. 

Lafleur's class does full days from 8-3:30p.m. four days a week.

“We really just focus on how to be a good person," said LaFleur.

Cecilia Wilken, the Director of Elementary Education says there are so many benefits to starting students as early as possible. Students receive help with social, cognitive and emotional skills.  It also helps academically.

“There is definitely a connection to having that intervention and support early on in terms of math and reading achievement,” said Cecilia Wilken. 

Wilken says Ralston is committed to investing in their children.  That’s why they offer at least one Pre-k class at each of their elementary schools.

Ralston says at least 2/3 of eligible students participate in the districts Pre-K program.  LaFleur says the kindergarten teachers are grateful for that.

“They are thrilled with what we are doing in here to help support them for the future too,” said LaFleur.