OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The Alzheimer's Foundation of America is taking itsEducating America Tour virtual this year. They'll have a Nebraska-focused online event on Tuesday, December 8.
Anyone is able to take part in the free event, whether you've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, are a caregiver, or anticipate having that role in the future. You can listen in and even chat with the speakers.
Dr. Oz is a special guest speaker. They will also have doctors from UNMC/Nebraska Medicine, a local elder law attorney and a representative with AARP.
"Alzheimer's is one of those diseases-you can't handle it alone. The amount of stress and the demands on the caregiver, you can't do it alone and it's so critically important to connect with help and support," said Chris Schneider with the Alzheimer's Foundation of America.
You can learn more and register, here. It's Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.