Channel Jarimillo just got a shipment of CBD oil at her business Simplicty - Wellness Yoga a few weeks ago, she held a question and answer Saturday and nearly sold out of all it, with her customers buying it for all sorts of different reasons.
"The spectrum is huge, anywhere from something as mild to stress induced anxiety and insomnia to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's," says Jaramillo.
Jarimillo is not alone, now you can find CBD oil everywhere from the grocery store to the chiropractor's office.
"There's something less expensive, that's just as effective, that's all natural, not synthetic...on the market. And people want natural, they want something that's not fake," says Jaramillo.
Others like Mallory Pole, started selling CBD oil at her business 'Well Mama' when it cured her anxiety.
"I don't have a terrible stomach ache every single morning and I'm just sleeping through the night, I've got four little kids so for a while there I was in the middle of the night like every single night for like seven years," says Pole.
But last week, Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson told police in a memothat unless it's used for medical testing at UNMC or for a specific epilepsy drug, CBD oil "...remains illegal to possess, manufacture, distribute, dispense, or possess with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense."
Still, those pushing CBD oil say it's perfectly legal because it comes from hemp, not marijuana. So the THC content, which is the part that gets you high, is all but zero.
"When you're selling full spectrum hemp it's no different than selling the essential oils we have or the herbs that we have on the products."