Gov. Pete Ricketts issued a statement on comments made by Sen. Ernie Chambers:
“For far too long, Senator Chambers’ hateful rhetoric has gone unchecked. It is beneath the dignity of the Unicameral, and the citizen legislators who serve it. I condemn Ernie’s sexist slurs against women and his disgraceful remarks towards law enforcement.”
It didn't take long for senators to start arguing at the Capitol.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers was upset over a flyer State Senator Julie Slama used in her campaign. That flyer linked him to her opponent Janet Palmtag.
"I only know what is on this notorious, vicious, racist, stupid, ignorant flyer is what I read in the newspaper," Chambers said.
Chambers went on to call Slama several names throughout the day. Slama called his words sexist.
"He said 'She was given favors because favors of a fleshy nature were expected in return,'" Salma said. "Senator Chambers, how dare you talk to a woman like that? How dare you talk to a member of this body like that?"
Former State Senator and current Douglas County Republican Chair Theresa Thibodeau called on the Unicameral to censure Chambers for his attack.
In a statement she said, "To suggest women can only be successful based on performing sexual behaviors is sexist and an insult to women everywhere."