LA VISTA, Neb. (KMTV) — It could be a bit more expensive to eat at La Vista restaurants and bars if the city council and residents approve a raise to the city’s restaurant tax.
The city’s restaurant tax, passed in 2019, currently sits at 1.5%. A plan would raise it by 1% to 2.5%, with city documents stating the extra money could help shoulder the burden of the city’s growth.
The city council plans to vote Tuesday evening on putting the question on the November ballot.
Documents in the proposed city budget said over the course of 10 years, a 1% raise in the tax would garner the city over $1 million per year.
The tax is already exceeding initial projections of $700,000 a year, bringing in more than $1 million annually, according to budget documents. Ninety percent of those dollars are coming from residents outside La Vista.
While the city is landlocked, projections show a rising population going from 16,746, currently, to over 20,150 residents by 2030.
Both Omaha and Ralston also have 2.5% restaurant taxes.
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