

City roads straining under heat


The excessive heat is not only tough on people, but also on city streets.

There are concerns roads might buckle in the heat like they did near 144th and West Maple last summer.

Nebraska Transportation Department Superintendent Jim Laughlin says the roads are in pretty good shape.

They are not expecting anything like last year, but he says with this heat anything can happen.

"If this was the road and this is where the crack was it was straight up like this, it was crazy."

A big road buckle near 144th and West Maple Street caused major traffic headaches for drivers last June.

"Imagine going down the street and coming up on a heaved road."

"It will launch your car right up in the air and it happens really quick."

Ryan Jones was working at Trios Salon and remembers the traffic chaos.

"They had to completely reroute traffic in through our plaza at Grayhawk, so we had everyone driving in from 147th to 144th."

Nebraska Transportation Department Superintendent Jim Laughlin says road buckling happens when it's extremely hot out.

"A lot of times its trapped moisture under, and it's trying to escape, it needs a way out and the concrete buckles."

Laughlin says it doesn't take multiple warm days for a street to blow.

"If moisture is trapped underneath, one hot day will do."

Laughlin says the section of the street that buckled near 144th and West Maple was old, so it’s not something he's thinks we'll see very often.

"The roads in Omaha are in pretty good shape.”

 If it does happen again, road crews say it's an easy fix.

"I think they handled it pretty well and it got taken care of pretty quick.”

“I’m just hoping it doesn’t happen again."

The Nebraska Transportation Department says keep an eye out for road buckles.


 You may not get hurt but they can cause severe damage to the front end of your car.