LINCOLN, Neb. (KMTV) — Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts announced Friday that a special election will take place June 28 to fill Congressman Jeff Fortenberry's First Congressional District seat.
RELATED: Fortenberry resigns two days after jury finds him guilty of lying to federal investigators
Fortenberry's resignation from the U.S. House of Representatives became official Thursday night.
In accordance with Nebraska state law, the seat must be filled within 90 days of the vacancy.
On Thursday, Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen delivered a letter to Gov. Ricketts recommending the June 28 date.
“Nebraska First Congressional District voters will be participating in three elections this year,” stated Secretary of State Bob Evnen, “the statewide primary on May 10, the First Congressional District special election on June 28, and the statewide general election November 8, 2022.”
Nebraska’s First Congressional District consists of Butler, Cass, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Lancaster, Madison, Platte, Seward, and Stanton counties, and parts of Sarpy and Polk counties.
The deadline for submission of candidate names and filing fees by Republican and Democratic parties for the special election ballot is April 22. The same deadline applies to those wishing to appear on the ballot by petition. Two thousand valid signatures are also required by the deadline for those wanting to appear on the ballot by petition.
Just like with the primary and general elections, voters will be able to cast their ballots at the polls on June 28 or cast ballots early. See more information on the Secretary of State's website.
Read the letter from Evnen to Gov. Ricketts below.

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