OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — For adults, getting dental work done can be a scary time but that fear is often greater for kids...unless they happen to be on a special bus, meant to alleviate their fears and fill their cavities.
Nevaeh Rubio says, "I think it's funner on a bus."
Because this bus, called Flow-Ride, like fluoride, is meant for children. It has TV screens on the ceiling and friendly faces.
"It's friendly, it's welcoming. Not that dentists aren't friendly and welcoming but I think just the environment that it's on wheels first of all...the kids think it's cool and I think that automatically takes down some of the anxiety," says Karen West Elementary Principal Andrew Mather.
One World, the owners of the bus, are teaching kids that dental work starts at a young age. Under-served children often need that education the most.
"Our building here is 75% poverty," says Mather.
Mather is grateful the bus stopped at his school so kids like Nevaeh can get their cavities filled.
"I like it because I can just walk in here and over's just nice," she says.
For families in need the bus means parents don't have to miss work for appointments, saving them time and money in the process.