OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Getting kids excited about books isn’t always easy, especially if your child struggles with reading, but Omaha Public Library has some special helpers to get your kid to turn those pages.
Dudly is one of several dogs who regularly visit Omaha Public Libraries. During the “Read to A Dog” events kids can spend 15 minutes reading their favorite book to a dog. Brandon Williams said he loves reading to the dogs.
“Dogs sit down. They’re quiet and then they listen and so it boosts your confidence to read to other people too,” said Brandon.
Dudley’s job is to get kids to read and he gets paid in belly rubs.
“As soon as you put their working tag on, their personality changes. They know what they’re going to do and they get super excited to do it... and then he gets here and takes a nap,” said dog owner Kerrie Kleppin-Winn.
But even with the dogs are snoring, they’re helping.
“It’s almost magical. Almost every single time there’s just a kid who approaches a dog and the dog doesn’t care. You know the kids just want to read and interact with the dog and it’s just mutual territory,” said Kleppin-Winn.
For a list of the upcoming "Read to a Dog" events click here!