OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Yesterday was the first day of fall and with that comes fall-related staples. Things like pumpkin-spiced everything, gathering for football and fall foliage. So when will the leaves begin to change and when will they peak around the Metro?
According to, we could begin to see leaves in Nebraska change as early as October 5 with a peak-viewing period happening on November 9.

You can find a interactive version of the above map at: The 2019 Fall Foliage Prediction Map
As to why the changes occur, Suny College of Environmental Science and Forestry in New York says it all begins with a reduction of chlorophyll which gives leaves their green appearance during summer and spring. With its absence, other pigments which already exist in the leaves begin to show through. At the same time, they say other chemical changes and further development of other pigments cause the leaves to change more.
Around the the Metro, there are a number of great places to take in all the orange, red and yellow leaves that you can handle. Places like Fontenelle Forest, Ponca Hills and Elmwood Park to name a few.
For more suggestions, check out this article by Omaha Florist Zinnia on their site: