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Finding truth and forgiveness over retaliation


Forgiveness equals freedom is the message Promise Land Worship Center is hoping to get across in Omaha.

"Forgiveness set me free, it's power, and in that there's other people that need to know that there's forgiveness in Jesus," Bryann Trejo.

Bryann Trejo is a minister from Texas who uses music to spread love.

"The love that God has is eternal, so when you put your loyalty into something that doesn't last you find out in the long run that it wasn't worth it," said Trejo.

It's the retaliation and gun violence Pastor Gary Hopkins wants the community to know is not worth it.

"If they have bitterness and hatred in their heart and wanting to retaliate we are asking them to look for an alternative," said Pastor Gary Hopkins.

"To forgive their enemies and those who have offended them and done things against them," said Hopkins.

Hopkins says it's about truth and forgiveness over retaliation.

They offered this free event with food and live entertainment hoping to help those who may be lost find peace.

"Peace that drugs can't give you, peace that the streets can't give you, and I believe when they find their identity,  who God says they are and not the streets say they are,  they can walk in freedom and victory," said Trejo.

Because Trejo struggled through a life of crime himself.

"I forgive the murderer of my brother, you should forgive the ones that hurt you and just let God deal with it," said Trejo.

Having someone with a similar past speak to the community,Hopkins says may make all the difference.

"If he can do it than others can do it too," said Hopkins.