Cancer survivor and founder of Flamingos for Hope, Cheryl Stevens, is a firm believer that laughter and joy are the best medicine.
She's working to send a bit of humor, comfort and compassion to a hospital as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Cheryl Stevens knows that a simple laugh and a smile can go far in the fight against breast cancer.
"I was diagnosed in 2006 with breast cancer. I chose to do a bilateral mastectomy. And went though six months of treatments," said Stevens.
Her experience became a positive mission through Flamingos for Hope.
"It lifts up their spirits and gives permission to have some fun," Stevens said.
A lesson in laughter as dozens of First National Bank employees showed a small lunchtime gesture can make a big impact.
"Cheryl started it because when she was going through treatment herself she felt better when she was wearing a silly hat. Or dressing up or something," said Bridget Carlson, First National Bank. "So, she felt being able to do that for others will bring a smile to their face during a hard time."
"My aunt had breast cancer, and she's a survivor, so for me to be asked to take some time during lunch is an easy absolutely like to be there," said Kaelin Pilkington, First National Bank. "And I think a lot of people feel the same way."
Crazy colorful, troll inspired hairwear — it will go to patients the Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center.
"This is just totally awesome. Cancer affects a lot of people, and just being able to have some fun, just warm their spirit a little bit. Makes a tremendous difference," Stevens said.