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Former Omaha FBI agent files lawsuit

Former Omaha FBI agent files lawsuit
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An FBI agent alleges she felt demeaned by her Omaha boss who she says ordered her to wear high heels and smile more often.
Our partners at the Omaha World-Herald report that Georgia Scott filed a lawsuit Monday against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department and the FBI. She's seeking unspecified damages for wages lost from what she calls a discriminatory demotion to the San Antonio, Texas, division.
Scott had been working in Omaha, where she says she was the only black female supervisor at the time.
The lawsuit alleges Scott's boss began undermining her authority in 2011 and ordered her to "pay more attention to her appearance." Scott says she confronted her boss and others about feeling treated as a stereotypical "angry black female."
A spokesman for the Omaha FBI declined to comment, saying it's a personnel issue.