

Gov Ricketts not in favor of changing felon voting law


Felons must wait two years after completing their sentences before they can have voting rights.     Lawmakers voted 27 to 13 to pass a bill that would allow them to vote immediately after they have served their time.

One senator says passing this bill will ensure equality while another one says it could create voter fraud.

Right now in Nebraska if you are a convicted felon you have to wait two years after serving prison time before you are able to vote again.

"They are working, they are paying their taxes, and they can’t offer a voice of where their taxes should go?"

"I think that there is a certain amount of time that needs to pass that these people are demonstrating that they are willing to obey the laws of Nebraska."

 Two senators disagree on a bill to eliminate the two year period before a convicted felon can vote.

 Senator John Murante says it could cause issues with the election process.

 “Injecting felons including people who have committed voter fraud in polling places in our election office is dangerous."

 Senator Justin Wayne says there’s only 14 different ways someone could be charged with voter fraud and in Nebraska he says those chances are low.

 "Out of the 14 to 15 felonies there have actually been no charges except maybe two this year."

 The bill is currently sitting on Governor Pete Ricketts desk, it hasn’t been signed or vetoed.

 "I think waiting two years to prove that you can be a functioning citizen in society, that you can keep your nose clean isn't too much to ask, so I have no intentions in signing that bill.”

 While Wayne says he thinks passing this bill will unify equal rights across the community Senator Murante and Governor Ricketts aren’t moved.

 "We want to re-integrate people back into process so they can make a difference in their community"

 "We have a law in the state that should people should have to wait two years before you can vote in that's the way it ought to stay."