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Gov. Ricketts selects interim Nebraska prisons director

Diane Sabatka-Rine

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Gov. Pete Ricketts announced Friday that he had selected an interim director to run Nebraska’s prison system when current director Scott Frakes steps down next month.

Diane Sabatka-Rine will serve as interim director of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, Ricketts said in a news release.

Sabatka-Rine has been with the department for nearly 40 years and has served as warden of the Nebraska State Penitentiary, Lincoln Correctional Center and the Diagnostic and Evaluation Center. She is currently chief of operations, overseeing deputy directors for the divisions of prisons, programs, administrative services and industries.

Sabatka-Rine will take over the top prisons post starting Oct. 8 — the day after Frakes leaves.

Ricketts also named Doug Hohbein as interim State Fire Marshal. He’ll take over on Oct. 15 for Chris Cantrell, who also announced his resignation earlier this month.

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