Gretna High School’s decision to not let a pro-life group meet during school hours is now affecting several other clubs.
After refusing to sponsor one club now any group not relating to education cannot meet during school hours according to Gretna High School’s principal.
The principal says saying no to one non-education based group means saying no to all.
"The best we can do for everybody is to have all clubs meet before and after school so that's how the decision was made," said Gretna High School Principal Roger Miller.
Millard West High School students are off for a few days enjoying fall break. They say the decision Gretna High School made is the way their school has always done it.
"Clubs that meet in school are more of academically advancing clubs and the ones that they have now move to before and after don't really have any academic advances to them," said Millard West High School Junior Jenny Ecklund.
At Gretna High several other clubs who weren’t curriculum based were meeting during school hours.
Then a pro-life group asked for the same rights and now they all have to meet either before or after school.
"We are trying to be fair and equitable to everybody because everyone wants to meet during the school day as they have done in the past, that's the easiest and the convenient thing to do," Miller said.
Gretna High’s principal says as a public school, they cannot sponsor any group that focuses on certain views.
"We were trying to change the focus away from abortion because that is something that was difficult for us, and as a school we thought that was too tied to religion,” Miller said. “We were unable to accept that," Miller continued.
A recent Gretna High School graduate says she doesn't understand why it's such a big deal.
"If they are not pushing their opinions on anybody then I don't think it matters, they should meet whenever they want to," said former Gretna High student Leah Conroy.
Now only groups like Student Council, Choir and Journalism and Broadcasting can meet during school hours.
Although Miller says they will always allow any club a meeting space.