LINCOLN, Neb. (KMTV) — The Husker football season kick off is now less than 24 hours away. The Nebraska State Patrol is sending out some reminders for road work to be aware of on your commute to Memorial Stadium.
In a press release, NSP says:
Drivers are advised that there will be lane restrictions on US-77 between South 12th Street north of Cortland and L-55W (Warlick Blvd.) in Lincoln. Expect traffic delays and drive with caution.
On game day, travelers should note that four hours before game time, at Exit 401, southbound traffic (I‑180/Highway 34) headed downtown will be merged to the left lane allowing I-80 exit traffic the right lane to go downtown. After the game, the right lane will be closed at the I-80 eastbound on-ramp (I‑80/I-180) to allow the downtown traffic on I-180 to merge onto I-80.
Motorists should also know that the northbound Superior Street on-ramp to I-180 will be closed after each home game. This allows for traffic from I-180 downtown to keep moving faster.
Use 511 resources before you travel to be aware of possible construction. Call 511 or 800-906-9069 and follow the prompts. 511 is available on the web at Nebraska 511.