OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — When we look back on the George Floyd protests years from now, how will you remember it?
That's a question History Nebraska is asking, as they're putting together a display. You can help tell the story if you have items you'd like to share.
"It's going to be incredibly memorable, especially when you see these things that are happening in towns that don't generally have protests and marches and things like that," said Jordan Miller with History Nebraska.
She has been busy collecting items related to the protests.
"We've received a lot of posters which have been really cool because even though they're all for the same thing, people interpret it differently," said Miller.
The posters include ones that say "Don't Kill Our Sons" and "I'm Here to Remember Mr. George Floyd." Another one regarding James Scurlock resonates with Miller.
"It's about a four-foot cardboard sign that says James Scurlock was murdered yesterday, it's in big black sharpie, and the thing that makes it so memorable is the fact that it says yesterday, it's so timely," said Miller.
Miller also has items used by law enforcement, a foam baton case, and a smoke canister, which can set the scene.
"I imagine somebody coming and seeing those in 50 or 100 years, and it's just like wow this was really impactful there was a lot of force used during this time, and so I think that will be a really powerful piece in the future for people to see," said Miller.
She also wants to get other perspectives of the protests, including items from pro-law enforcement rallies to help tell a complete story.
"That's one area where we don't have anything that I really want to see us get at least a couple of pieces to have that representation," said Miller.
She also says they're collecting items from after the protests to show any change coming from them. She hopes the display will be ready sometime in the fall.