It's an on-going pursuit, encouraging young people to become politically active from the local to national scene.
Yesterday, area high schools got the chance to experience political involvement, but there was something different about the people in the room, it was all women.
"What's going on today is we've invited young women from high schools to come and talk to elected officials about what its like as a woman running for office," Ann Chalson from the League of Women voters said.
The League of Women Voters believe there's plenty of work ahead, but this partnership with UNO gave young women the opportunity to see other women in powerful positions.
"We look at the statistics again and we're barely just getting over 20 percent in our state legislature," Chalson said. "We're looking at a population that's 51 percent women."
For some in attendance it was not an ordinary field trip.
"It feels great. I'm feeling very empowered. It feels nice to know that people just like me are able to just go out and be leaders," Omaha Central student Anna Haider said. "We still haven't had a female president, but that's okay, because our time will be coming."