A new take on farm-to-table could open in Omaha by this winter. In 2014 the Omaha City Council approved the construction of a live meat market near 26th and L in South Omaha. The project has had some setbacks, but the new-age butcher shop is set to start construction soon.
Tom’s Live Market would be the first of its kind in Omaha and will sit right next to the historic Livestock Exchange.
“It is just a different option for their protein needs,” said owner Tom Meyer.
Meyer said the market will host a range of animals to choose from, there will be cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and rabbits right on site.
“Customer comes in, picks out which animal they want, my butchers will take it and harvest it, cut it up any way they want it, and out the door it goes,” he said.
It is up to the customer if they would like to watch the butchering process, but Meyer said people like to have a say in how their meat is cut.
The meat will also be as local as they can get it, and will be brought it every day.
“We are permitted with the city for a phase one and phase two,” said Meyer.
Phase one will happen with the building that is already standing and Meyer hopes to have it open by early November. Phase two will be in the giant lot next door where there used to be a red building that was demolished to make room for a new structure.
Meyer said he has been working hard to get all the permits and meet city codes, but is excited to bring something new to this part of town.
“This part of town needs some development, it needs something.”
The construction for phase one will begin in August and phase two will be in the next two to three years.