It was only seven years ago when buying and shooting fireworks in Omaha became legal.
Today Mayor Jean Stothert says it's time to take a second look.
"Some people love fireworks, some people hate fireworks and want them banned."
Stothert says after receiving hundreds of complaints during the 4th of July she wants the city to compromise.
"Not just because of the noise but for the animals and those with PTSD, we have been receiving more complaints because we have more veterans in Omaha."
The current ordinance allows firework sales between June 25th and July 4th, the mayor wants to shorten that to five days.
She's also asking the city council to consider shortening the time of shooting from 8am to 11pm to noon to 11pm, with an exception on the fourth.
"I doubt that people are going to stop shooting fireworks simply because we change the hours and the days."
Some argue these changes may impact local charities.
"That would really hurt; they would lose money and its tons of non profits that benefit from firework sales.
While people who enjoy shooting fireworks say it’s unfair.
"I don't really see what the big deal is, let people have their fun for a few days."