Authorities have killed a mountain lion that was found on the front porch of a home in Scottsbluff. Police say the animal was first reported around 11:40 p.m. Wednesday. It was darted with a tranquilizing agent and then euthanized by a veterinarian. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission policy is to kill mountain lions found within city limits in order to ensure the safety of residents.

<p>The parents of a 4-year-old Idaho girl are being credited with saving their daughter from a mountain lion attack. </p><p>"I just had this comfort, and I knew she was OK. And I felt like angels were there protecting her," the girl's mother told <a href="" target="_blank">East Idaho News</a>.</p><p>It happened <a href="" target="_blank">Friday night</a> at the family's campsite near Green Canyon Hot Springs.</p><p>Kera Butt, the girl's mother, saw the mountain lion in the distance and warned everybody. A short time later, as the children were playing, the lion attacked Kelsi Butt. </p><p>Adults rushed toward the girl and scared off the mountain lion, much like this one.</p><p>Kelsi was treated for her injuries, which included bite marks and scratches.</p><p><b>SEE MORE: <a href="">Mom Rescues 5-Year-Old From The Jaws Of A Mountain Lion</a></b></p><p>Madison County Sheriff's deputies <a href="" target="_blank">killed</a> the mountain lion early Saturday. </p><p>And how's this for brave? Kelsi and her family returned to the campsite for the rest of their scheduled camping trip after leaving the hospital. </p><p>The Idaho Department of Fish and Game said sightings of the animals and attacks on humans are rare.</p><p>East Idaho News reports the family wants one of the lion's claws and teeth to remember just how lucky they were.</p><hr><b>Trending stories at <a href=""></a></b><ul class="inline-related-links"><li><a href="">Houston Mom Arrested After Police Find Her 2 Kids Dead Under A House</a></li><li><a href="">Violence Continues In Milwaukee Following Fatal Police Shooting</a></li><li><a href="">3 Couples Killed When Small Plane Crashes In Alabama</a></li></ul>

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