It was My City church's first Easter Sunday and by the looks and sounds of it, it was a success.
"Had over ten thousand Easter eggs, kids and families, its just been a blast," said Clyde Stackhouse.
This Sunday My City switched it up a bit, they held two morning services, a noon service and two evening services.
"As our world is getting more complex, people's work schedules are harder than they have ever been before, the typical nine to five just isn't typical anymore," said Pastor Jesse Norman.
Pastor Jesse Norman says their method and style of church is really ushering in the millennials.
"I don't think we set out to reach millennials, but we ended up doing it in a really big way," said Pastor Norman.
"I was raised in a very traditional church, not a lot of energy, and the thing that keeps me here is how young it is, and not young age wise, but young at heart," Matt Clark.
Matt Clark and his wife Mistie say having multiple services to choose from really fits their needs.
"I'm in the medical field and he works law enforcement, so our schedules are very chaotic," said Mistie Clark.
"It's the best feeling to know that we have somewhere we belong, everyone is welcome here, we don't feel like an outcast," said Clark.
Making church suitable for everyday life.
"People from all different types of diverse backgrounds coming together to celebrate Easter has just really been awesome," said Pastor Norman.
My City Church offers four services on a typical Sunday.
They have only been open for six months, but the pastor says they are hoping to continue making an impact in the community.