LINCOLN, Neb. (KMTV) — On Wednesday the City of Lincoln and the Lincoln Police Department announced the results of the month-long Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over DWI campaign results.
A total of 93 DWI/DUI arrests were made in the period spanning from Dec. 1, 2021 to Jan. 1.
This eclipses the previous campaign by an increase of 66%, when there were 56 arrests during the 2020 project. Officers took a zero tolerance approach to the traffic enforcement for drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Of this year's campaign, the LPD specified in a news release that nearly one quarter of the arrests, or 21 of the 93 arrests, were as a result of car accident investigations. Further, there were nine arrests for minors, considered to be under the age of 21, for DUI.
There was also an arrest wherein a driver's BAC was .357. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism specifies that a BAC of .310 or above can be fatal.
Funding for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign was made possible by the Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.
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