LINCOLN, Neb. (KMTV) — The Nebraska attorney general continues to push for the release of child abuse records from the Catholic Church. Two months after issuing subpoenas to 400 Catholic churches, schools and other institutions around the state, he indicated many of them have cooperated, but not to the point of a full compliance.
Thursday's statement from Attorney General Doug Peterson:
“Eight months ago the Attorney General’s Office requested that the three Nebraska Catholic diocese voluntarily provide us with all information held by dioceses regarding allegations of child sexual abuse.Unfortunately, it was determined that the information voluntarily provided was incomplete. Therefore, it was necessary to issue the subpoenas. As of this date many of those institutions who received subpoenas have properly complied. However, we still have not received a complete compliance. Under the subpoena process our office has the ability to compel further responses, but up to this point we continue to try to work with both the Omaha archdiocese and the Lincoln diocese. The Grand Island diocese has fully complied with the subpoena request. The motion to dismiss was sought by our office because Nebraska law does not procedurally allow for the type motion filed by the Omaha and Lincoln diocese. We will continue to work with the Omaha and Lincoln diocese, but ultimately our duty is to make sure the subpoenas are complied with in order to consider all information relevant to any past claims of child sexual abuse.”