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Nebraska group protests corporate greed, inflation with inflatable 'fat cat' Friday


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — If you were near Turner Park, you likely noticed something out of the ordinary Friday.

A blow-up "fat cat" — part of a corporate greed day of action — was hosted by a group called Unrig Our Economy Nebraska. Unrig the Economy works in different states and protests were held simultaneously during the Omaha demonstration, with the nearest other location being Waterloo, Iowa.

"We have working Americans who are working numerous jobs to provide for their families, living paycheck to paycheck. Some families can't pay for gas and groceries at the same time, some have to make the sacrifice, some can't even pay for housing or healthcare and that's unacceptable," said Valeria Andersen, communications director for Unrig Our Economy Nebraska.

According to the group's website, the Nebraska chapter was established in early April. The 501 c(4) nonprofit political group has taken a public stance against U.S. Rep. Don Bacon and also seeks to hold corporations accountable.

During Friday's demonstration, Unrig Our Economy Nebraska focused on Kellogg's. They say that Nebraskans are feeling the effects of inflation but the company reported a higher profit.

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