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Neighbors concerned about a peeping Tom


Residents of a midtown apartment complex say they're creeped out after a man has apparently been getting an eyeful looking through people's windows. 

They're warning others to be on the lookout for a peeping Tom whose been seen in the neighborhood. 

Neighbors say not only is the man looking into their windows, but he's getting comfortable, bending down and staring for long periods at a time.

"I don't want nobody creeping in on us, I don't feel safe."

Some residents of the Cedarwood apartment complex near 74th and Cedar are a bit shaken up after reports of a peeping Tom.

"I had seen this man get up from a crouching position close to their window and I was like what is he doing?"

This neighbor who does not want to be identified says she was smoking a cigarette when she saw the suspicious activity.

"He started looking back at me and walking slowly to see if we were still watching him."

She says the peeper was dressed in all black and wearing a hoody.

"I hurried up and came in the house and I told my kids there's a man that's possibly watching them in their windows."

"It's two o'clock in the morning what are you doing out here?"

She then notified the couple whose window he was looking into.

"I thought it was creepy and I was scared."

The couple who also does not want to be identified says this situation has them thinking twice.

"I want to lock my windows, and go buy curtains to put on all my windows."

Cedarwood's corporate office says all suspicious activity needs to be reported to their security team and Omaha police.

"There's no telling what else could go on."

OPD says if anyone feels threatened or in danger call 911 to speak with an officer.

Meanwhile neighbors say they are hoping he stays away.

"I don't know if he's trying to steal something  from us or break in."