Nelson Produce Farm, just outside Elkhorn, grows a variety of produce and holds festivals on the ones they ship out most, including corn.
“We grow over 100 acres of sweet corn out here,” owner Pam Nelson said. “We just want to get people into a field to pick corn.”
The farm is holding its final Corn Festival this weekend. Families like Taylor Sindelar and her daughters said they head out to the farm each year and love it.
“There’s tons of activities and live interaction,” she said. “You actually get to go up into the fields and pick with bags.”
Whether you want to pick it, shuck it, decorate with it or eat it, you’ll find a lot on the farm to celebrate the crop — and it’s for good reason.
This year’s corn crop has been a challenge to keep up with because of ongoing drought conditions. Nelson said it's the driest they’ve seen.
“We were constantly running water,” she said. “We have them running on timers and we really never shut the pivots off on the corn because of the heat coupled with it being dry.”
Nelson said they’ve been lucky to find enough water to irrigate the crop to keep up with demand. Nelson Produce Farm, they say, provides sweet corn to nine out of 10 roadside stands in Omaha and Lincoln. Their corn product ships as far north as Minnesota and as far south as Kansas City.
Its success gives them all the more reason to celebrate.
“[We] just really want to highlight corn and celebrate the different fresh vegetables and foods of the summer,” Pam Nelson said.
Corn Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Nelson Produce Farm.
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