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New DMV location opening in West Omaha next week

and last updated

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The new Omaha Metro West DMV service center will be opening next Wednesday.

The office will be located at 17007 Burt Street and will be open Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.

The office was originally scheduled to open April 6, but the opening was delayed due to the ongoing pandemic.

Customers will be able to complete their entire driver licensing transaction with the examiner, instead of lining up separately to pay county treasurer staff separately.

The DMV will begin accepting appointments for Class O (car) drive tests on Monday, July 13. All other services will be provided on a walk in basis. Customers are being asked to use the phone number corresponding with the first letter of their last name to make an appointment:

531-800-4258 (Last name starts with A-F)

531-800-4380 (Last name starts with G-L)

531-800-4687 (Last name starts with M-R)

531-800-3140 (Last name starts with S-Z)

Employees will be provided with Personal Protective Equipment and customers will be required to wear a face covering during their drive test. Customers are reminded to bring their face covering with them to the driver licensing office to wear during their drive test.

Dozens of online services are also available at Most customers can renew their driver’s license and State ID Card online, as well as update their address, or order a replacement license.