OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — If you happen to be in the area of Offutt Air Force Base and hear gunshots, sirens and see personnel in action...don't be alarmed unless...the base says. A massive training simulation will run today through Friday.
During the training, Offutt says, "There will be increased noise and activity to include simulated gunfire, sirens, and messages from loud speakers and alert vehicles that will respond to emergency simulations."
Lockdown announcements and "EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE" will be announced "immediately before and after simulated gunfire is announced within the exercise area."
They say if you witness personnel using firearms or others in the area "without the presence of identified exercise controllers in red inspection vests, this is not part of the training event." They say this could be an active shooter situation and ask people to take appropriate actions.
Offutt says base access and traffic may be delayed during the drills and the routine is part of a routinely scheduled, ongoing readiness effort of first responders and support teams.