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Omaha business spreads Valentine's Day love all over the country

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OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — An Omaha business is spreading the Valentine's Day love all across the country this year, with some help from local residents.

LifeLoop is a software programming company that works with senior living communities to help connect families. Every year they partner with Wish of A Lifetime, a national organization to spread love on the February holiday through Cupid Crew.

Usually they hand deliver roses to senior living facilities, but this year because of COVID they decided to mail letters instead.

"I think we underestimate how much it impacts the reisdents, especially this past year with COVID. They’ve had a lot of isolation, a lot of people have, but especially seniors and I think it goes way farther than you could imagine," said Amy Johnson, co-founder and CEO of LifeLoop.

They relied on the community to get the cards they will be sending to residents this week.

"It’s really interesting that people read it on our social, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and really what happened was people wanted to spread love which was really, really fantastic right now. A lot of kids needs projects as well, parents with snow days. I know I was having my kids make a ton of cards because we just wanted something for our kids to do and it’s a great way for them to think with empathy and understand that there’s a lot of people who could use a little note," Johnson said.

LifeLoop has received about 3,000 hand made cards from schools, organizations and families.

"We will just divide them out based on the number of residents at our communities and we’re hoping to touch as many as we can and we will package them by community and put them in the mail. So kind of old school but it’s really appreciated and everybody loves to get mail," Johnson said.

Five hundred of those cards were made by sisters Hadley and Channing. They spent a few months coloring, writing and adorning the letters with stickers.

"We felt challenged we wanted to see if we could do it," Hadley said.

"It was kind of hard but it was really fun," Channing said.

Although it was hard work, the girls are excited for the residents to receive their letters.

"It makes me happy just knowing people are going to get these," Hadley said.