It was just a normal day.
An Omaha man was walking to work and the next thing he remembers is waking up in the hospital.
He was involved in a hit and run in downtown, Omaha.
The driver is still on the loose.
It's amazing he walked away with no broken bones and all his teeth.
Now he's recovering while hoping justice is served.
A few bruises, scrapes and soreness Liam Chleborad says he’s lucky to be live.
"It was a pretty traumatic experience but I won't let it stop me from living my life."
Friday he says he was walking to work as he normally does but that morning ended differently.
"I was almost across the street and I was hit by a car, and I don't remember much after that because I was unconscious."
Following the pedestrian signal and walking in the crosswalk Chleborad says he had the right away.
"A person saw me, called the police and ambulance, and stayed with me until the ambulance came."
Within the same week another man was struck and killed walking near 72nd and Center.
"I walked away pretty, I walked away pretty lucky."
Waking up in the hospital with just a few scrapes and a gash on his head, he says he was able to leave the very next day.
"I got five staples in my head and thankfully no other broken bones.”
“I got all my teeth which is good since I took a good knock in the face."
Since 17th and Douglas is a busy intersection he's says he's hoping the person is caught.
"Do the right thing if you make a mistake.”
Although he's a little shaken up, he says he won’t let this one bad experience win.
"I'm still going to walk to work, it will take me a little longer these next couple days."
Right now he says he's on pain killers and muscle relaxers while Omaha Police are still investigating.
He says hopeful surveillance video will help find the person responsible.