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Omaha metro-area residents can sign up to be holiday volunteers for the Salvation Army

Salvation Army Logo

OMAHA, Neb. — On Wednesday, a press release from the Salvation army announced that volunteers can now sign up for the holiday season.

Read the press release below for more details:

‘Tis the season: today marks the first day in which metro-area residents can sign up to be holiday volunteers for The Salvation Army of Omaha.

The list of seasonal volunteer opportunities for 2022 is chockablock with variety and community impact. The following is just a sample of the numerous openings we have for November and December:

  • Christmas Assistance Sign-Up Support:  We need welcoming-crew volunteers to greet families in need as they arrive at our local corps community centers (Citadel, North, Kroc) during the sign-up period of Nov. 1-11; plus, we need application-intake volunteers to work check-in tables, guide people through the application process, etc.—also during the Nov. 1-Nov. 11 timeframe.  
  • Helping with TurkeyFest:  We need volunteer drivers to deliver Thanksgiving meals to shut-in seniors around the Omaha area on Thanksgiving morning.  Both individuals and families are welcome to participate.  
  • Winter Night Watch:  We need volunteers to staff our canteens (food trucks) as they make stops around Omaha each weeknight during the season, bringing food, water, and warm clothing to the homeless.  The 2022-2023 season of Night Watch starts in late November. 
  • Toyland (toy-distribution event):  We need volunteers to help set up our free toy shops at various locations around the metro area and then help staff them when they open on December 16.   

For more information about all of our seasonal volunteer opportunities—including ringing the bells at our iconic red kettles—just go to or call 402-898-6000.

Remember: when you volunteer for The Salvation Army, you’re making a positive impact on the community by helping people in need—both during the Christmas season and beyond. This is especially important this year, as thousands of local families are facing major financial struggles amid the ongoing inflation crisis. We invite the community to join us in our effort to show families in need that love exists beyond these difficult times.

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