Nearly 200 Omaha North High School students walked out of class Wednesday morning.
They're speaking out more than a week after Donald Trump was elected as the new President. A student organizer says they're partly protesting against President-elect Trump, but it's really a demonstration against what he calls "a bigoted movement" caused by Trump.
This morning students held signs with words talking about inclusion. In what has been a pretty divisive election cycle students say they were offended by trump's comments especially when it came to his views on women and minorities. Omaha police say they're just out here to make sure the students are safe. School officials say they caught wind of the walk out yesterday and sent notifications to parents. A spokesperson for Omaha Public Schools says while they are allowing students to exercise their 1st amendment rights, but they will face consequences for the walkout.
Student organizer Maurice Jones says teens can still be involved in the process. "You don't have to be a voter to register people to vote. you yourself can't vote but you can have an impact by knocking on doors, by phone banking or actively involved in our political process."
Several times throughout the protest the principal urged students to return to class. Many did, but a small fraction stayed behind. Once the students hit the two hour mark several dozen took their demonstration on the road traveling east on Ames. School officials also went. By then, the students who organized this were no longer involved as they saw some students get off message during the event.