OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — It was an eventful night for the Omaha Police Department. They removed two bats from two different houses, creating a stir for the owners!
Bat in the house, 5300 Block of N 47th St. Bat safely relocated to the wild. #OPD via @OPDOfcNickerson
— Omaha Police Dept (@OmahaPolice) August 6, 2019
Bat in the house #2 for the night, 6500 Block of Binney. Safely relocated to the wild. #OPD via @OPDOfcNickerson
— Omaha Police Dept (@OmahaPolice) August 6, 2019
The bats were found on 47th Street and Binney street. Both bats were safely relocated.