OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) - Thomas Wilkins, the music director of the Omaha Symphony since 2005, was honored Monday as the Omaha Press Club's 164th "Face on the Barroom Floor."
Wilkins will conduct his final concert with the Omaha Symphony on June 12.
The caricature of Wilkins was drawn by Omaha artist Wayne Sealy, who has been drawing for the Omaha Press Club since 2019.
"I drew Thomas in his formal attire, but with a few changes. He is holding a golf club, as he loves playing golf. He is wearing a grilling apron with grilling utensils in his jacket pocket," Sealy said. "On the left, you can see the backdrop of the Holland Center and the Hollywood Bowl -- two of his favorite venues to direct. Last, but not least, he is surrounded by many of the awards that he has received over the years -- and this is only a few of them."
Ankush Kumar Bahl will succeed Wilkins as music director of the Omaha Symphony.
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