It’s back to the drawing board for the ops school board-as there's no superintendent candidates to lead the school district.
“I was very surprised,” said Bridget Donovan, President of the Omaha Education Association.
Bridget Donovan-president of the Omaha Education Association takes issue with the process of selecting the superintendent, “It felt rushed.”
Donovan said the OEA was never approached on input, “Nobody asked us.” she says stakeholders like the OEA should have been able to meet with the candidates.
“I think the board needs to reflect on the process and try to figure out why they chose a process that did not include any of their stakeholders,” said Donovan.
One of the finalist who withdrew Dr. Jane Stavem of Lincoln Public Schools said that was a reason for her dropping out. Doctors Paul Gausman and Khalid Mumin said neither of them engendered such support from Omaha public school board.
“I think the board needs to take a look at and reflect on and see if there's something they can learn from it,” said Donovan.
Donovan says politics on the board makes matters worse-such as when they took over a hundred rounds to choose a president.
“I don't think that was a wise decision,” said Donovan who said the board has a hard time coming together on many issues and affecting its biggest job picking the next superintendent to lead OPS.
“I have observed is a lack of willingness one certain board members part to actually try and problem solve together to actually, they say they want compromise but the compromises don't come from certain members,” said Donovan.
The OPS board meets at 6:30pm at the TAC building.