

Outdated roster causes bus stop mix up


Accidents happen but Kasei Otis says an accident like this put her autistic son's life in danger.

"Last night could have gone completely different."

Thursday Jaden reunited with his mother after he was reported missing for at least three hours.

"It was the scariest three hours of my life."

Otis met with Omaha Public Schools this morning, she says a substitute bus driver was reading an old roster and dropped Jaden off at an old address.

"I know it's a big school district but some things are inexcusable"

Omaha Public Schools released a statement saying this.

 OPS is currently investigating how the driver may have received outdated address information.

We are working directly with the family to ensure their concerns are addressed and to keep them updated on the progress of the investigation, as well as corrective action steps to prevent the situation from happening again.

Thursday a stranger spotted Jaden nearly three miles away from where he was dropped off at 38th and Cummings, and called 911.

"I need it to never happen again."

The bus driver is also supposed to make contact with a family member before driving off.

Otis says that didn't happen either.


"They say accidents happen but it comes down to accountability."