

Parents concerned about attendance boundary changes for Papillion-La Vista High Schools


Many parents in the Papillion-La Vista School District are concerned about changes that might be coming to boundary lines, leaving high school students in one neighborhood traveling farther to make it to class.

Under the new guidelines, students from the North Shore Development would be moved from Papillion-La Vista South High School to Papillion-La Vista High School.

Meaning that students in the North Shore neighborhood would be commuting a longer distance to class of about four miles. 
The School Board's proposal moves the attendance boundary line south from Cornhusker Road to Lincoln Road from 132nd Street to 96th Street. The boundary east of 96th Street would stay at Papio Creek.
Students currently enrolled in school districts would be exempt, but some parents say they're worried that students in the same family could end going to different high schools. These parents say they chose to move into North Shore specifically for the schools. 
"Both high schools are at capacity, right now their numbers are equal. But I also realize sometimes it's easy to choose a neighborhood that's not quite on their feet yet. Maybe will put up less of a fight," said Holly Anderson, a parent. 
"It keeps me up at night thinking about it because we had an intention for our children, we had a vision for our children. We had ideas that they could learn how to drive for example, to a short distance, to a high school very close," said Rick Friesen, parent. 
The School Board says it's an enrollment issue and within ten years Papillion-La Vista South High School will have nearly 400 more students than the other high school.
Parents started a change dot org petition calling for the school board to rethink the proposal. More than 200 people have signed it. 
The School Board says they're considering all feedback and encourage people to make their voices heard on
January 19th.
There'll be a community comment meeting at Prairie Queen Elementary, which starts at 7:00p.m.