

Pence in Omaha to solidfiy GOP, Trump support

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It’s the home stretch of the presidential campaign and a stop in Omaha.
"It's time for Republican voters to come home, come home to elect the Trump, Pence team to the White House,” said Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence.
Pence spoke to a large crowd at a plant in southwest Omaha Thursday morning. 
The Indiana Governor is hoping Omahans will deliver the all important one electoral vote in District 2 to Donald Trump. 
Twelve days from the election, Trump and Pence are talking more about the issues and trying to forge solidarity within the GOP. 
"To my fellow Republicans, I say with great respect, it's time to come home and do your part to make sure Hillary Clinton is never elected President of the United States,” Pence said.
Getting the Republican Party to rally behind Trump has been an issue since the presidential nominee announced his candidacy last year.
That was a central message at Pence's rally at Midstates construction near 67th and F.
Governor Pete Ricketts spoke highly of Trump. 
"Will Donald Trump fight the establishment? Will Donald Trump change the status quo? Absolutely,” Ricketts said. 
Pence hit on issues from Obamacare to taxes.
"Lower business taxes in America so companies in Nebraska can compete and keep jobs right here in Nebraska and not see them going overseas," Pence said. 
The rally attracted a couple different longtime Trump supporters. 
Mason Haliburton, 8, Omaha, traveled the country and has the campaign buttons to prove it.
"I seen his show and I was (thinking) 'I really like that guy,'” Haliburton said, donning buttons from the coats of Ricketts, Pence and the Secret Service. “Then he's running for president. OK, I'm supporting him now.” 
Judy Pryor has been a Trump supporter since day one. 
"He spoke out and spoke up and stood up,” Pryor said. “How many people do that today? And how many people were against that man? Anybody who can do that is a strong man." 
Like much of Trump's core, Pryor was not shaken by crude comments Trump made about women.
"Honey, I got grey hair and I got wrinkles and when I'm with my girlfriends, you cannot believe what comes out of my mouth,” Pryor said. “I am cocky and arrogant. I just have fun and I mouth off a lot. (Trump’s comments) don’t bother me one bit.”
Outside the Pence rally was protestor free. 
There was a woman inside the event whose “Dump Trump” sign was ripped from her hands before she was escorted out the rally by police.