

Repub. Candidate Rand Paul visits Iowa on...

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With about 3 weeks before the Iowa caucuses one republican candidate says he's got the most organized approach to winning Iowa.

US Senator Rand Paul kicked off a two-day Iowa swing in Downtown Council Bluffs.  He's met by a number of supporters and others trying to see who they'll support.

The Kentucky senator was at the Council Bluffs Public Library Thursday morning with a message of fixing the national debt, and how to stop terrorism.

About 100 people got to meet with he and his wife Kelley, who left New York at 4am to make 9 stops in the next 48 hours in Iowa.

National polls suggest that right now Paul is in 7th for the republican presidential nomination.

His campaign says they have someone ready to caucus for Paul at 78% of the Iowa precincts, and look to increase that.

"We think we may well have the most extensive precinct organization of any candidate in Iowa, and we think that's unheralded,” Sen. Paul explained. "Our precinct organization will compare favorably to every leading candidate in Iowa and may well exceed most of them."

Paul continues his stops in Sioux City, Des Moines, Davenport, and many places in between.