

Reunion for hundreds of war veterans


Hundreds of veterans and their families joined together for a ‘Grand Reunion’ at the La Vista Embassy Suites.

“We thought it would be a good idea to have a reunion pull as many as we can. We've lost a lot of our WWII guys,” said Patriotic Productions co-founder Bill Williams.

One of those many veterans is Bob Parker from Columbus, Nebraska serving in Vietnam.

“It was wet, it was hot where I was at,” said Parker.

Parker along with over 500 Vietnam veterans toured the war memorials this past June.

“A little bit eerie in some respects but they are awesome memorials,” said Parker.

Parker said when he return back from war in the late 60's the veterans were not welcomed home-but coming back here after the honor flight was a whole different experience.

“Well it kind of brought tears to your eyes,” said Parker.

This reunion isn't just about the living vets but also those who gave their lives serving our country.

Tom Wood was at the reunion honoring his 18-year-old son Eddie who served in Afganistan, later died becuase of an IED in 2010.

Wood remembers how he found out the horrible news, "What are you guys doing here, you can't be here now, you just cant be. He was just here."

 Wood remembers his last moments with Eddie--says he gave him $10 dollars before he left.

"He still had that 10-dollar bill in his pocket when they recovered his body in the battle field 5-days later," said Wood.

Reunions like this one helps the pain of losing his son-to fight for our country.

"This has been healing for me it really has," said Wood.

Williams said they hope to have another flight May 1, 2017 in Washington D.C. full of Vietnam veterans. To learn more about the flight click here: