OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — If you needed an excuse to take a trip across Nebraska, Governor Pete Ricketts has you covered. Doing so might even help flood victims.
Today, Governor Ricketts and others gathered to proclaim National Travel and Tourism Week in Nebraska.
Tourism has a real impact on the economy across the country and locally says Nebraska Tourism Comission Executive Director John Ricks:
“Just look at the numbers. Travel supports one in nine American jobs, including 50,350 right here in Nebraska,” said John Ricks, Nebraska Tourism Commission executive director. “This week, we are celebrating travel’s powerful impact on our community. We’re calling on everyone—from elected officials to all of our local friends and neighbors—to join us in saluting this important industry.”
The Governor and Ricks both said you can show your support to flooded communities by choosing them as your travel destination.
"I know that what you spend while enjoying your getaway will never be appreciated more than right now. Let's give these areas some special love throughout the summer."
The Nebraska Tourism Commission says tourism is the state's third biggest industry.